Building a White Picket Fence in Toronto

Building a White Picket Fence in Toronto

If you’ve had lifelong dreams of owning a cute little house with a white picket fence, you’re not alone. The image of the ideal suburban house has had a white picket fence in front of it for decades. Fortunately, achieving this idealistic front garden is as simple as giving a call to City Wide Post Hole Digging. Here’s how we can help you achieve your picket fence dreams.

What Is the Appeal?

What exactly is it that makes the white picket fence appealing to the majority of suburban homeowners? There are actually many things that make it appealing!

  • A picket fence helps delineate where one yard begins and another ends. In short, a picket fence helps mark a homeowner’s territory. It wraps the yard like a neat little bow, saying, “This is mine.”
  • Likewise, a picket fence helps prevent trespassing. In a neighborhood likely to be full of kids, reinforcing that your yard is not part of their play space is important to many homeowners.
  • The short height of the standard picket fence doesn’t cover up the appearance of the home or garden. You get the aforementioned benefits without it making an eyesore that blocks out the beautiful home you’ve worked so hard to maintain.
  • Additionally, the spaced-out boards of the fence allow even more visibility. This extra visibility makes it possible to admire a flowery garden even from the street.
  • The extra visibility and short height of the fence both have a bonus trait: they communicate friendliness rather than hostility. Being able to easily see into the homeowner’s yard says, “We don’t prefer isolation, just boundaries.”

Can You DIY a White Picket Fence?

The first question many people ask themselves when considering adding a white picket fence to their yard is, “Can I do this myself?” The short answer is, you could. The longer answer is, you probably shouldn’t.

Building a fence is a difficult task at the best of times and with the simplest of designs. Picket fences come with a bunch of additional challenges. Boards must be shaped to gentle points, which generally require 3 cuts per board. That’s to say nothing of all of the measuring and marking you have to do to make those cuts uniform. On top of that is the sanding of those points as well as the painting of the entire fence. 

While these things require patience, they don’t require nearly as much patience as the spacing of the fence boards. Getting the measurements and spacing right for the entire perimeter of your fence is an irritation to be reckoned with. For this reason alone, we recommend hiring professionals.

Professional Fence Building Services

Never fear, City Wide Post Hole Digging is here! If you’re looking for white picket fence building services in Toronto, we’re the best choice for the job. Give us a call and let’s talk details. We can give you a quote and start on scheduling whenever you’re ready.